
Contact Your Representative: Take the Diabetes Challenge

Capitol ChambersHave you had enough?  Are you sick and tired of just……well….everything politics these days? And I mean on all sides of the aisle.  It’s just too much, isn’t it?

I have an idea.

You see, I’m under the belief that if any suggested legislation is ‘nay’ all one party and ‘yay’ all another party—-they have all failed.  I do not believe that everything is just as one party thinks and if it is not one part’s legislation….it should be voted down.  It just does not make sense to me………..and it never did.

I think we ask, no we confront, the members of the Congress and the Senate to take the Diabetes Challenge.  That is; one piece of legislation this session to better the lives of people with diabetes and pass it ACROSS THE BOARD……..non partisan.

Almost everyone knows a loved one with diabetes.  Our Members can search it out, write it, argue it, but at the end of the day, they pass it across both aisles.

No big 45-page deal….just call your representative and say, “We challenge you Congressperson (or Senator) so-and-so to take the Diabetes Challenge”.  Prove to the world that you can do something that you all agree on that will be for the betterment of everyone in a diabetes world.  WE challenge YOU!

I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


4 replies on “Contact Your Representative: Take the Diabetes Challenge”

Simple… Ask Congress to Renew the Special Diabetes Program. Promise $150Million each year for the next 3 years. Very bipartisan issue that will help millions of people!

Simple. Ask Congress to Renew the Special Diabetes Program. Promise $150Million each year for the next 3 years. Very bipartisan issue that will help millions of people!

Last week, Grace (age 13, T1D-2011) and I (T1D-1969) visited the offices of two Senators and 12 Representatives at the US Capitol asking for $2.165 billion dollars for NIH funding, reauthorization of the special diabetes program and the CDC’s diabetes translation program. Most were very supportive realizing Diabetes is not partisan issue but affects anyone. However, they often noted the caveat of recent draconian 20% cuts proposed in the US budget toward these areas. It was a great opportunity for them to hear it from someone who’s lived with Diabetes for almost 50 years and seen incredible progress in treatments and technologies, as well as from the perspective of a T1D child whose CGM might alarm in the middle of a class or having people ask questions about her diabetes equipment. We all just want to find a cure for Diabetes!

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