Years and years ago, when the insulin pumps fist came on the market, is the first time I heard the initials, or phrase, DIY. Do It Yourself. Many people with certain skill sets have taken it upon themselves to work at problems facing their loved one utilizing diabetes management tools. CGMs, Insulin Pumps, Fitness watches, and even medications are being experimented with to better manage a loved one’s diabetes, in most cases type 1 diabetes.
Sone of these DIY attempts have turned into full fledged companies trying to solve a problem. Many of these attempts come with disclosures that what is being proposed has not passed the litmus of the FDA for approval of the technique, the attempt, or the medication. So the user assumes all risks that the DIY world offers.
Now I am 100% fine with people hacking into system to connect devices and people for the benefit of obtaining the up-to-the-minute issue being needed by a patient…….but as more and more of these type ideas make their way to the mainstream, the cautions that need to go with it are becoming less and less. This is most evident in the medications being taken. Some medications are not intended for people with type 1 diabetes and many have that fact printed all over the packaging. But still, because the meds are able to help with the body as it deals with insulin etc., some have figured ‘short cuts’ to help manage their T1D.
At the onset of these projects, the users self-medicates and monitors themselves as they become their own lab-rat to see how the medication can hold optimum impact. And sometimes it works. HERE IS THE CAUTIONARY TALE: The more it gets used and meets with some success, the less the ‘warnings’ accompanies the treatment. This is bad. Very Bad.
DIY can be very useful, my only purpose for today’s article is to remind everyone that no matter what you are doing or trying ‘off-label’ PLEASE make sure you know all the details and risks. Do your homework and ask a million questions. I have heard, in recent times, that going off label with meds that many seem to be doing more and more, almost cost 2 people their lives. There may be a thousand reasons why this happened and many excuses as to why anyone would even try this. If, and that is one big IF, you choose to DIY on things diabetes related—–PLEASE do your homework.
Then do your homework again before engaging. There should be no scenario you have not heard, or are not aware, so you know how to react should tings begin to go sideways.
Be careful, we need you around.
I am a diabetes dad.
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DIY Be Warned, Be Careful