

There is not a doubt in my mind that one of my favorite people walking this earth is Sarah Loebner. She is a very special woman who has a heavenly voice when she sings, a PA in this diabetes world and a person who has overcome so much to be where she is in life. […]


Hey Friend……..Can You Spare a Buck??????

Clearly now more than ever, research for any cause, is in major jeopardy due to cuts being issued all around the nation. NIH, the largest funder of research will most-likely take a major hit. It will be up to private philanthropy to keep programs and research going. I have always lived by “Just Don’t Do […]


2025…………Who Will Provide the Answers?

The sands in the hourglass are about to run out on this year of 2024. It has been a real mixed bag for me both professionally and personally and sometimes that bag incorporated both at the same time. There was much sadness this year as I/We lost many people dear to us as friends, family, […]


Just Remembering Michelle, Will Not Be Good Enough?

As this years’ Diabetes Awareness Month began, many calls came to me that Saturday Moring of the horrific car accident that claimed the lives of five people who were known throughout the diabetes community. People who cared. People who would come together and raise funds in bike rides and other ways to help the diabetes […]


Has the Field of Dreams turned into a Nightmare?

One of my favorite films of all time is Field of Dreams. The mixing of reality and fantasy is overwhelmingly artistic as we root for ‘Ray and his ballfield built in a cornfield’. By far one of the greatest scenes in the movie is when Ray’s daughter falls off the stands on the field and […]


Hey AI—Why Not Teach Yourself to Help Mankind?

I guess the cautionary tale, these days, in the world of social media and online communications is artificial intelligence; beware. So many seemed to be obsessed with the idea that machine will mimic us in an uncontrollable way. A way that will almost begin thinking for itself and go in directions unwanted or unplanned. Think […]