
A Letter from a Mom……..

I received this letter today from Marie—she is a mom to a Max who has diabetes.  Max is just one of the coolest kids I have ever met and I’m so proud to call him my friend.  As mostly everyone knows, I work at the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, and it is people like Marie (David, her husband) and Max that make coming to work an absolute joy.

Read her letter.

Dear Tom,

Hello. I hope the school year is off to a great start in your family.  

As we discussed earlier (in broad strokes) I would like to volunteer my time and efforts to help people who want to organize Diabetes Diplomat programs in their schools.

I was apprehensive at first before we did our Diabetes Diplomat program here but I see now how easy it was.  With the help and support of the DRI, including the tools on the website, it was simple to plan and run a successful program here (Editor’s not: In Connecticut).  We’ve already been invited back by our school district to repeat it this year and I know it’s because the students learned a lot, had fun and helped raise funds for a critically important cause.  

As a parent it was particularly meaningful to see so many peers of the type 1 kids get a better understanding of diabetes.

How can I get the word out to other T1 families about how easy and rewarding it is to run a Diabetes Diplomat program? With a bunch of families involved we can make a huge impact in our communities and help the progress of the DRI toward a cure.

Best Regards,

Marie (Editor’s note—I took off her last name)

I created this program because I wanted kids to be part of something THEY created.  The big events are great but the Diabetes Diplomat program benefitting the DRI is where your child is front and center. 

People organize Diabetes Diplomat Programs all over the United States and elsewhere, it does not matter where you live.  My friend Ximena even did a DD project in Peru.   If you are interested in knowing more about how your kids can participate in something that is fun, easy, and will make a difference in finding a cure—-reply to this blog post.  I will not publish your post but it will give me the information and Marie and I will contact you.

I am a Diabetesdad.


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