
Wanna Join the Group???

boysI have had enough. 

When I read Stephanie Brinegar’s post about what happened in her office when one employee suggested a cake be taken home and another employee said that she shouldn’t do that because her child was a diabetic I decided enough is enough.

Join my elite group.  When someone says something really stupid; we show up in black suits, black ties, and hats.  We travel in a Volkswagen bug (or limo–depending) and we knock on the door and it is answered:

“Ahhhhhh…Geek Squad?”
“No sir, stupid squad.  And you have been chosen.”

Now I cannot say what will happened to those people who we visit.  But enough is enough is enough.  Learn something people or you WILL BE VISITED.  You have been warned.

What will we do?????   Well I could tell you………but then I’d have to…….well never mind.

Wanna join my squad?

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.



18 replies on “Wanna Join the Group???”

Thank you for this message! I’m 23 and I was diagnosed at the age of 2 and I still hear stuff like this all the time. It happened to my younger sister when she was working on her Girl Scout Gold Award. Her Gold Award Advisor told her our mother fed us bad food as children and that is why both of us were diabetic. And she told my sister she could not eat anything that could possibly have sugar in it and could not go to fun Girl Scout activities like sleepovers and rock climbing. It is very frustrating and insulting to have people who do not have the disease and know nothing about it lecture us about what we can and cannot do. Yes I’m diabetic, but I’m a person first. I can do anything I set my mind to. And we don’t know why we have diabetes, but we do know it is not our parent’s fault.

I want to! A fellow vendor at an event this weekend did not offer me chocolate cake when she gave some to everyone else. When we were talking later in the day, after I bought some jam, and I explained that everything is about counting carbs, she said she was sorry for not offering.

About a month after being diagnosed, my daughter attended her cousin’s birthday party. The little girl’s grandma said to me “This must be horrible for your child since she can’t eat cake with the other kids.” I kindly replied that she could in fact have cake I just had to count the carbs in it so that I know how much insulin to give her. After my kid finished her cake and ice cream, she comes to our table and said “Don’t you feel terrible having to give her a shot? I could never do that!” My 4 year old, who is wise beyond her years and has her mother’s sharp tongue, pipes up and says, “If she didn’t love me enough to give me a shot I would die lady!” At that moment I knew we could handle this diabetes stuff and my kid could certainly hold her own. I was proud.

Totally in !!! The poor people that I deal with get a riot act!!! I try to b as nice as possible tho!!! Then the best is when they say if they do stay away from sweets then they won’t need too much insulin !!! Ok people need to know insulin is not a bad drug n our bodies need it ! They’re bodies make it every time they eat our kids bodies don’t n we need to replace it to cover food it’s a freakn hormone people!!! Before you comment research your topic ugh so frustrating

My 14 yo dd was diagnosed at 22 mos. We have heard it all. Once when she was about 5, we were in a restaurant while on vacation. The place was packed and there was a huge line for the restroom. Being matter-of-fact people anyway, we just meet her needs wherever we are. She had already begun to draw up and give her on injections under CLOSE supervision with LOTS of checking. 🙂 Anyway, dd was standing between me and the table since she had her shirt up a little so she could inject into her belly. The server came up and gasped. This sweet lady got teary and started gushing stuff like “Oh you poor, sweet baby!!! I’m sooooo sorry that you have to do that!” and on and on. DD looks at this lady like she has 2 heads and says, “Do you WANT me to DIE???”. Of course the server replied that she didn’t. DD says with hands of hips says “If I don’t take my insulin, I WILL DIE!” She so associated her care, no matter how unpleasant, with loving her. I was so proud. Not that my daughter had been sassy to someone who was just concerned, but that dd “got it”. We love her, we want to keep her around, we do whatever it takes no matter how painful or unpleasant to her or us to keep her healthy.

Another time, she was at a children’s function and one child avoided her all week because he said that his mother was a nurse and told him to stay away from my dd because diabetes was contagious and if he sat by her he’d get diabetes and die like she was going to. Whether the child misunderstood or whether the mother really said it, I don’t know. We were living among a different people from a different culture at that time so either are possible.

I’m in!!! I can’t believe that Girl Scout Leader was allowed to be a Leader!! UGH
The comments we get are – ” Chris will outgrow this when he is an adult – right?” When people think that buying “Suger-free” – that it is free food. Been explaining for 5 years that we count carbs. One package of “Sugar-free” chocolates had more carbs than the regular package that was given to my Non-D child!

Please, please count me in! Just tell me when & where to meet to handle stupidity about T1….
My daughter’s current Girl Scout leader is T1, on a pump, and lost her mother to complications before we met her (Cindy, our glorious leader, not her mom )…she so “gets it” that I have never been reluctant to have Samantha stay overnight with Cindy/the troop. Maybe T1 training should become part of leader training for Girl Scouts & Boy/Cub Scouts & any other group involving children. Just sayin’.

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