
The Dream Must Stay Alive!!!

dreamI received so many messages yesterday paying tribute to the Luries with news of Dame Carol Lurie’s death .  She was truly, as I stated, a powerhouse.

As I was driving yesterday I had an incredible sorrow in my heart.  I AM sorry Carol is gone but my sorrow was that when she sat with Lee Ducat and others forming the JDF (Now JDRF) they had but one goal; to cure diabetes.

My sorrow was that this powerhouse of a woman creating this incredible organization that surely has changed the face of the diabetes world; yet–still, she left this world without seeing her one dream realized. 

Now surely many great things have happened and truly many advancements have been made but on this day; let’s re-examine our dream and make sure we find the very thing Carol wanted for her loved ones, and we want for our loved ones…..A cure.

Let’s focus and drive forward…….for Carol…….for our kids.  We appreciate and need all of these fascinating management tools but the ultimate goal is a cure.  And always should be.   Let’s never forget that.


I am a diabetes dad

2 replies on “The Dream Must Stay Alive!!!”

My daughter who is nearly 13 was diagnosed at 18 months. Different injection times & changes of insulin didn’t seem 2 help. The injections ended up having no effect so Tawnee now has insulin pump, which is great. Although the greatest thing of all would be to find a cure, Siobhan xo

Lurie’s Children’s Hospital in Chicago saved my son’s life 2 years ago today – well actually in 15 minutes when the clock strikes midnight (oh gosh how I didn’t want to remember that date – just realized – crying now). My heart goes out to the Luries during this difficult time with the loss of Carol. Thank you for the wonderful hospital that helped my son.

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