
Happy Father’s Day, from a DiabetesDad to Dads Everywhere, Especially Diabetes Dads

Diabetes Dad Logo no wordsIn the many times I am introduced to speak, I’m introduced as ‘the’– DiabetesDad.  My first word out of my mouth from behind the microphone is always the same….’a’…..a DiabetesDad.  Certainly not ‘the’.  Father’s day is this weekend and dads are kinda cool in many ways.  We don’t always get it right, and in fact I have a degree in getting it wrong.

My journey has allowed me the wonderful fortune of crossing paths with some really interesting dads.  Really remarkable dads too. Dads who try to change the world, to the dads who just try to change a child’s flat tire.  Dads who are incredibly adept in building things to dads who are better at cooking.

They operate anything that can fly, has wheels or can be controlled.  They can toss a child in the pool or a baseball at 93 miles per hour.  They can write a story like no other or they can tuck a child to bed with the best of them.  They can tell a joke that will crack-up a room or make a teen-ager cringe in front of her friends.

They can be lousy at directions, no matter what they may think; and may hate to be told what to do.  They are asked to fix things, many they can…….a few they cannot; and they try hard to fix those too.  They think they can sing, and some actually can; they can put a smile on your face during the worst crisis.

They know when a hug is needed, they know when a kick is better, and they have the best arms when needed most.

No, dads are not perfect.  Dads have many faults, in fact……..but they are……just that; a dad.  Hug them this weekend.  Love them this weekend.  Because one day you will be in the same position as I will be this weekend because my dad is gone.  And every father’s day is the same…..the reminder of what you had, held so dear, and had to say good-bye.


So happy father’s day everyone……and you too in heaven, Doggie Daddy.
I am a diabetes dad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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