
What Have We Become?

I ‘m not quite sure why? Perhaps it ‘s the culture or the climate of late, but does anyone else sense there is a different feeling among posts on social media dealing with diabetes, and the management therein for one’s self or for their child?

It’s as if the the number one rule of years ago, has been forgotten. What you read on social media is not fact, as much as it’s one’s opinion, albeit some really good opinions at times, and that diabetes is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. I’ve witnessed some pretty heated exchanges lately that derail even further as someone’s different opinion’s weigh in, and also from those who feel their opinion is enough for people to believe as a gospel-truth-attitude, sort of a “….that’s the way it is!”…… mentality.

This has always been a very complex disease. This has always been full of many different groups and organizations that are as different as night and day. But here’s the thing, it’s your choice who or what to believe in and support…..or not. The one thing I have always felt to be true is that the equalizer in all things diabetes is education. But it cannot be just the more you know, and that’s it. It truly needs to remain that the more you know, the more you want to know. And you seek those answers because the ever-changing world of diabetes is a constant, and will stay a constant.

This is an ever-changing world and the treatment of diabetes changes all the time. If someone feels the insulin available at Walmart works for them, and have figured out how to make it work, who am I to say other-wise? If someone feels that their child needs a diabetes-alert-dog, go for it. If change needs to happen in our country’s health care, so be it. If someone feels that walking, riding, or fund-raising for one of the many organizations in our diabetes community is something they choose to do, we should applaud their efforts. If you feel that because of pharma companies, a cure will never be found, that’s your choice.

The one question I have asked (as I write this) each day for the 10,412 days since Kaitlyn was diagnosed at age 2, and the 4,393 since Robb was diagnosed at age 13 is what can I do, today, on this day to make a difference in their world. I cannot, as I have stated a million times, just do nothing. What positive energy can I bring to this world that helps us all and does not waste a second on something that does not move us forward. I wish I had the energy for much more, but I don’t. I need to stay focused on what I can do.

I’ve learned many things over the years, made many mistakes (some real whoppers, too) in my children’s lives and in this community. But I also believe I’ve fought for change, have reached out to those in need, and supported those who I felt will bring us to that cure I one day hope for. Not tomorrow, no, but supporting those who will stay at it….because truthfully, if we don’t support these things and fight for these things……who will?

Let’s not waste one second of time tearing someone else down who is dealing with diabetes in their lives like we are. Diabetes gets enough…….it should not get that as well.
I am a diabetes dad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

2 replies on “What Have We Become?”

As always. Well said and well written Tom.
Keep up all of your great work.
Thanks and take care.
Marc H. Blatstein

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