
The Diabetes Circus Comes to Town

Remember when you were a child, and the world would stop, and the buzz would rise when the circus came to town?  Where I lived, the Barnum & Bailey train could only go so far as the performers and animal acts made their way to the Nassau Coliseum to begin their week-long schedule of shows. The animals were unloaded, and a parade formed as they walked the animals from the last stop of the train to the Nassau Coliseum. When the week was over, another parade was held to bring the animals back. What pomp.  What joy.  What a spectacle.  Years later, I found out that it was because it was easier to get a ‘Parade Permit’ than an animal transport license, and vehicles gave way from hassle and expense to an annual parade becoming a tradition.   And the people loved it.  Everything is not as it seems.

I recently attended the 84th Scientific Session sponsored by the American Diabetes Association in Orlando, Florida. Over 10,000 researchers, physicians, health care professionals from around the world…and me. A dad.

200 sessions and 2000 original research presentations, not to mention the 200 displays in the convention center from all companies and foundations showing the latest and greatest in diabetes care and research.

This was so much more than a three-ring circus.

Credit the ADA for a smooth conference. Needed help/advice was available everywhere, and even people held signs that said “ASK ME” for the lost, like me. ADA staff/volunteers, wearing red (of course!), were as helpful and understanding as anyone could hope. They were always with a smile and always ready to help. Kudos, ADA.

I will write more when I have time to digest everything, but my head is still spinning.  I will share a few things today.  Diabetes is big business.  Huge, in fact, because the pharma companies shelled out millions to be seen by these medical professionals.  Weight loss drugs were the dominant commodity at this conference.  One man who worked for…(I better not say) who I met on the complimentary bus ride from my hotel, shared that he was only going this one morning because he brought his family with him…they were heading to Disney later on.  Wow, whose dime was that on?  Everything is not as it seems.

This event was chock full of incredible information, promising information, in fact. Nice job, ADA…a bit like drinking out of a fire hose of information, but it’s always better to have too much than too little. More to come.

I am a diabetes dad.

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