
Only 12 Days Left….and They Ain’t the 12 Days of Christmas :)

So many kids are writing letters to Santa…….welllllllllll….what if Santa wrote them back?  That’s right, Santa will write a letter to your child on beautiful Christmas letterhead that will be very personal.

Perhaps mentioning their teacher by name, or your pet by name, letting children know how proud Santa is in the way they are taking care of their diabetes, or even how proud Santa is of a brother or sister helping out; whatever you would like—Santa will do.

It is the perfect gift that children will remember forever and we are hearing from all over the country how well these letters are being received.  Santa’s elves, who know what it is like to have a child with diabetes, are already helping Santa and volunteering their time.

Here is the best part—-you will be helping to fund the Diabetes Research Institute when you make a donation. 

And if you know of no one who could use a letter from Santa, why not make a donation anyway—-you’ll feel good being part of making a difference.

Go to today—-only 12 days left.   Ho-ho-ho.

I am a diabetesdad.

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