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For my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of stars makes me dream.  Now, I am sure that Vincent Van Gogh was not thinking of diabetes when he jotted down this quote. Surely, he was marveling at the heavens above and all those stars in the sky.  Each is different, each […]


Remember there is a “Best” in Banting and Best

November 14th, is World Diabetes Day.  This date was chosen because it’s the birthday of Frederick Banting.  Who chose this? I’m a huge fan of Hamilton, the Broadway Musical.  In as great as the show is, I always found it interesting that Alexander Hamilton, a man who was not even president, became as popular as he did, and […]


Diabetes…….Are People REALLY that Mean?

It happened again.  I was speaking with someone about what I do and why; and they proceeded to run down the entire list of what happened to their father, uncle, and grandfather in about as much unasked-for-details as you could imagine. When they left I started to think.  I thought of how many times this […]


What Face of Diabetes Should We Show the World?

I saw a commercial recently that completely outraged me……you probably saw it and I am not going to share it again, you probably have seen it, and THAT commercial is not the point of today’s article. I started to think of what WOULD be the commercial I would create?   What would it look like?  And […]


Two Women Who Will Make You Absolutely Laugh With Their Take on Diabetes

You would think there was a good size writing team that would compare to any top sitcom hit on television  You might even think their aspirations were to enter the movie industry or take on the stand-up comedy circuit.  You might even think there is a huge amount of people dancing around comedy central and dancing with ideas to […]


It’s Huuuuummmpppppp Day…eeeeeee

Wednesday, the middle of the work week, hump day.  After today, you are over the hump toward the weekend.  There is a commercial on now that I just love that pokes fun at Wednesday.  It’s a silly commercial but one that just makes you smile when you see it because of its silliness. Here is […]