
You can Make a Difference Right Now….and it’s SOOOOOO Easy!

Okay my friends——this is about as easy as it gets to make a difference. You can help the Diabetes Research Institute (DRI) raise $50,000 and you do not have to give a dime out of your pocket, but just allow your opinions to be heard. ANYONE CAN BE PART. Real simple, right on your phone:Text […]



We are a community.  What impacts one, impacts all.  Those of us who have decided that Just Doing Nothing will not do, have taken up our position in this diabetes battle.  There are as many positions as there is work to be done. Taking no action, takes no effort. Again: Taking no action, takes no effort. It’s […]


Remember there is a “Best” in Banting and Best

November 14th, is World Diabetes Day.  This date was chosen because it’s the birthday of Frederick Banting.  Who chose this? I’m a huge fan of Hamilton, the Broadway Musical.  In as great as the show is, I always found it interesting that Alexander Hamilton, a man who was not even president, became as popular as he did, and […]


Could it be; a Patch that REALLY STAYS? Take a Look and Try for Yourself.

As many of my readers know, I do not use these pages for advertising.  If I find something that can help, solve a problem, and/or make diabetes life any easier, I share. To be clear: I have received no remuneration for this article, I’m sharing about this product because, quite frankly, it just does what […]


A Favor……Perhaps……..Could be Times 4!

As many of you know, I rarely utilize this column for anything more than the articles to hopefully teach and inspire,  But there is this incredible opportunity given to the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation that I’m sure hoping you will join in and help. The Sola Sweet company, from now until the end of November […]


NEWSBREAK: No One was Better for Diabetes Causes than Mary….RIP

I wish I could say I was a friend of Mary Tyler Moore’s, she surely made you feel that way.  There was a time when she, or her beloved husband Robert, and I would pass and a ‘hello’ was stated.  We knew of each other in the same battle.  She wrote a wonderful inscription in her book […]