

November is over. Did you miss it? Did you do something for diabetes awareness month? Did you need a reminder that diabetes is in your household? I get it. So many believe in the ability to celebrate a good life despite/in spite of living with diabetes. A time to let the world know, and help […]


From “A” DiabetesDad

As you read in the title, I am a DiabetesDad.  Never said I was ‘the’ diabetesdad, we are many.  Today is Father’s Day.  Happy Father’s Day to all of you who are fortunate enough to have someone in your life who calls you dad.  In our children’s lives, we are ‘the’ dad.  Unless you are […]


New Heroes Emerge Everyday

I don’t know if hero is a word Mike Otten likes, or is even comfortable to be called. Perhaps in-line with his business at Sequa Deli and Caterers of Patchogue, hero means what it should, a great sandwich and surely Mike’s store is one of the best at that. Perhaps Mike is just a really […]


Is Anyone There?

It’s called a Ghost Light or a Stage Manger’s Light. Traditionally, the first one to arrive at the theatre is the Stage Manager. The fully dark theatre has this one light on, it is a safety mechanism so the arriving stage manager is not walking around in a fully dark theatre. In the pitch black […]


Now More than Ever–Just Don’t do Nothing

I cannot tell you how many times I sat down to write this month. But any time I started, it just felt silly to try to write anything that was not COVID-19 related. But there were a zillion diabetes peeps all sharing information and if I cannot give a new perspective on something I feel […]


Why Toilet Paper?

I can guess there are many theories on what we can run out of when there is a worldwide emergency. If you asked the general public this question 4 weeks ago I am sure you would have received answers like; water, meat, eggs, milk, dairy and more. I am also pretty sure that the one […]