
Now More than Ever–Just Don’t do Nothing

I cannot tell you how many times I sat down to write this month. But any time I started, it just felt silly to try to write anything that was not COVID-19 related. But there were a zillion diabetes peeps all sharing information and if I cannot give a new perspective on something I feel it would be painful to write which would probably make it death to read as well.

But something has hit me recently that I DO want to share with you. I notice all of the usual suspects running commercials about disasters and such and trying to link COVID-19 to their charity, and many of those are doing really good things for people in need. I have a commercial I would like to run too. It would look like this:

DiabetesDad sitting on a chair.
Looking relaxed.
Camera shot from further back and slowly zooms in.

There are many many organizations doing lots of great things for people in need. People are lucky to have so many people ready to help in this time of COVID-19.
Soon we will get on with our lives again and when we do my kids will still have diabetes. I don’t have a lot of fabulous organizations helping my kids………..I have you.
So when you can, please help get us back to finding a cure for all of our kids with diabetes.
We never stopped needing you.
And we need you more than ever, today.
Thank you.

Link shows up on the screen:

As many of you know, the Diabetes Research Institute is where I believe I need to spend the bulk of my own energy. But know this; whomever deserves your energy will be in a great need when this is over. There is a great need now.

Because when it comes right down to it, the only people who will really help those in the diabetes community IS the diabetes community.

Don’t just do nothing, now more than ever.
I am a diabetes dad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

One reply on “Now More than Ever–Just Don’t do Nothing”

I really loved this. Covid-19 has really effected each person and the businesses worldwide. However, Clinical researches don’t seem to be effected. I still know one in LA which is continuing its operations for diabetes.

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