
Did Today Just Suck for Anyone?

Today SucksHow bad is bad?

Do you ever look in the mirror and say, “this cannot be any worse”? I remember one of our darkest hours; dark was dark compared to this dark.  We were shattered.  How could fate be so cruel.

It was not long after that I was on a walk.  I remember crossing over an overpass of a parkway below.  I watched as a motorcade procession passed on the way to a cemetery.  Reality struck when I saw that the funeral cortege did not have just one hearse………there were four.


I have come to know that when things look so bleak that bleak is a step up; someone out there is going through something worse.  I love my job.  I have a roof over my head.  My kids are doing well.  I know some pretty cool people and have good friends.   Sometimes we need to stop and realize that no matter how bad, bad seems——worse is knocking near by on someone else’s door.

While we may b e feeling just how bad fate or life has been at a given moment—-realize that someone else is being knocked down further than you.  That will not make your pain instantaneously go away but it is a thought worth having with your self from time to time.

I remember the absolute horror of having a child diagnosed with diabetes.  When my second child was diagnosed, I remember thinking how much I would have loved to have only one……..BUT NOW I know there are many with three or four kids……so even two is not so bad.

So take the time and realize what you are blessed with today.  You might feel a bit blue for some reason but stop and look……find something or someone you love and say wow, the loss of that would be so much worse……..and go and enjoy them.  Buy them a sno-cone.

I am a diabetes dad.

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