
A Sunset to Relax My Mind at a Place Called Hofstra………Where Do You Go?

Sunset Long Island 1On the campus of Hofstra University stands six dormitories.  When I attended Hofstra they were identified with very unique and specific identities.  There was Tower A, B,C,D,E, and F.  I am happy to say that since I attended they have been given actual names.

College is not easy.  WAS not easy and still is not easy today. When yesterday bought back a ton of images that are burned in my memory I thought about a particular part of Hofstra that was utilized on more than one occasion to relax me.

I love Hofstra.  First because it is a great school.  Second, I made great friends there, and as I have written about before, many of them have helped tremendously in many aspects dealing with diabetes over the years.

The towers were some of the tallest buildings on Long Island when I attended Hofstra with the 14+ stories high and I remember with very fond memories, the top floor.  The top floor had huge panes of glass that allowed you to look in every direction. 

Nothing beat looking at a sunset out of one of those windows.  I always thought that Long Island has some of the most glorious sunsets in the world.  Whether by the ocean or in the middle of the Island; just gorgeous.  And always different.  Utilizing the clouds to add to the landscape or as clear as glass, no two sunsets were ever the same.

Sometimes things can just ‘get to us’.  We need a break.  When I received the video I wrote about last night,  I just needed to relax and I found myself going to the “Top of the Hofstra Towers” in my mind.  I needed to feel that complete relaxation while watching a Long Island sunset from so high up, that I had done so many times.  I needed to once again feel that peace.

I have been back there before, but only in my mind, not in reality-not once since I graduated.  Our battles we fight for our kids and their diabetes, or perhaps just escaping life itself, we all need a “Hofstra-type-place; where do you go to escape?  What relaxes you?

Share where you ‘go’?  For every sunset, there is a sunrise and with that comes the chance to begin something new and something fresh, relaxed and ready to go………again.

I am a diabetes dad.

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One reply on “A Sunset to Relax My Mind at a Place Called Hofstra………Where Do You Go?”

This is a great discussion topic. As we know D can be very stressful at times. Throw in uneducated school or nursing personnel and it gets overwhelming. My place to escape is always my music in my car driving singing with the moonroof open to operas like Phantom of the Opera (I used to sing with symphonic orchestra) and going to the Ocean. Peaceful place being at the ocean as I allow the waves to take my stress. Everyone needs a special place whether it be at Hofstra and sunsets or the ocean. Thank you for asking. Or if life is too much, I wave my white flag of surrender and I have an amazing group of friends who give me words of encouragement. Just simple words “I care” or “I get it”.

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