
A 9/11 Memory Just Sent to Me…..12 Years Later….My Hands are Shaking!

911 CNNOn this, a special and incredible day of remembrance. After I wrote about it and it was sent to everyone this morning.   After working so hard over the years to push down so much of what I saw; to work so hard to place things in compartments in my mind and in my memory………this absolutely comes from the OMG you have got to be F****’en kidding me files. 

I received the link below from a friend of mine today with a note that simply stated: “Don’t know if you ever saw this but today being 12 years later, you may want to.”

You do not have to watch the entire clip but what caught my attention starts at about the 27 second mark and lasts about 1 minute.  It is not an earth shattering clip but when you are part of something that only happened because of a series of events of which you could only react and not control; and you thought it would be safely tucked away only in your memory; to have it all of a sudden played back to you—-that small clip becomes enormous.

I was tired, I had been all over lower Manhattan, I went right from work about 21 hours earlier after they shut down our building, I had not slept.  They asked me for a business card, shoved a microphone in front of my face and all of a sudden……boom—-I’m on CNN.

I literally just saw it for the first time about an hour ago. 

I cannot tell you how my hands are shaking right now.  This clip is bringing everything back so quickly and unexpectedly.  I am so grateful it was shared, it just reminds me even more about what I wrote earlier today.

This reminded me of the oh so many who helped, and people are incredible; truly.

Here is the clip:

As I remember the whole story again; and too much to write right now, it is all so clearly in front of me at this moment; which it has not been in so long;  tears are rolling down my cheeks.

Wow.    Sigh.

I am a diabetes dad.

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