
Turning a New Year…..I am Running Life Like an A1C.

2013 2014Happy New Year.

As you look at the year ahead and reflect on the one in the rear view mirror try not to make any promises to yourself.  Did I just say that?

Yes I did.

This year I am not making any promises although I know quite a few aspects that I want to change.  Instead, I am setting goals.  It does not matter what they are, I KNOW what they are and they are goals I’m shooting to achieve.  I wrote them down.

What is the difference between making a promise and/or setting a goal?  The road to any goal is full of mis-steps and adjusting along the way to hit the goals you set.  If you make a promise and break it—it always seemed to me that the game was over right there.  “I broke that promise”.

When I go off the track at reaching a goal…..I can always get back on track to meet that goal anywhere along the roadway/journey/pathway.

As I look ‘in my rearview mirror’ I also know of many things I would not want to do again this year and I won’t…..already I set a goal worthy of keeping.

I always make it so complicated for myself…… New Year’s goals will be like an A1C.  A gauge to adjust and make better along the way to achieve better aspects of my life like the numbers that those with diabetes try to achieve.  A gauge.  A tool.  Not something to beat myself up over every time the immediate results are not what I think they should be.  But rather, a tool to see where I am at any given point and try to get myself on the tract I want to be on.

Many people had a rough year……many people can hardly wait for 2013 to be over….be thankful for what you have.  No matter how close the relationship is that was lost, life is for the living.  We all know the pain of losing someone close—-if acceptance is not in the cards, it is my hope and prayers that you learn to ‘cope’ with whatever it is.

When my dad died, I was crushed at the fact that his voice, his sense of humor, and his ability to make one smile would never be seen again.  He hated that so many people lived their life in defeat.  “When I go, don’t mourn me, I won’t see it.”  I just love that line.  “I won’t see it.”   Powerful.

So I try to be as creative and as strong as he was.  The legacy for those who have died is upon our shoulders to live.  Easy?  Nope.

But I know that 2014 can hold many great things as 2013 did.  All good? Nope.  We cannot do anything about what comes our way, but we surely can do something about what we do with it.  I choose to live life in 2014.  To grab the gusto.  To live for the positive.  To enjoy people at who they are and celebrate their uniqueness {some are very unique 🙂  }. 

So may 2014 find us together when we want to be, hugging when we need to be, dancing whenever possible, and laughing at the joy life has for all of us. 

To 2014.  Cheers my friends.

I am a diabetes dad.

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