
We are Parents, We Don’t Just Talk……….WE DO!!!!!!!!!!

DC moonWhat a whirlwind of a week it has been and if you have been online at all you saw an incredible amount of activity out in the world of diabetes; with the world of diabetes; and for the world of diabetes.

It is a huge world out there and so much needs to get done; make sure you are there doing your part no matter how small or large you think it may be.  I found it so exciting to read about the many people in both the UK and DC advocating for changes, and/or sustained funding for diabetes causes.

Reading people’s posts about who they met with and what happened was amazing.  Don’t you find it so exciting knowing that moms and dads stormed Capitol Hill to tell the story of all of us.  I find that extremely exciting.

The DRI held a walk last weekend presented by Walgreens with thousands and thousands in attendance, and we were surely not alone as events were happening all over the country.  People joining in raising funds for our kids and all people with diabetes.   Just think about that; at any given moment a huge amount of effort is being displayed by thousands and thousands of people who have no time to be involved, are busy to no end, deal with life and everything that comes with life, and yet still find time to be involved helping the ‘diabetes initiative’ in some shape or form.

It NEVER ceases to amaze me where people FIND THE TIME.

And it is not just those of us who have a connection, it is those who just care.  After I left Florida I was in Washington DC with the Building Trades Convention.  This group of incredible people actually built the DRI and turned around and donated it to the University of Miami.  All of that wonderful research is in a building built by the hands of America.

It was such an honor to be called upon the stage, right after President Clinton spoke, to acknowledge a few who do so much for your kids, my kids, and all those living with diabetes.  Many of them have ties to diabetes and many do not and still, they raise over a million dollars a year to benefit diabetes research at the DRI.

It thrilled me to know that so many colleagues were just a few blocks away speaking to members of congress about issues so crucial to all of us, and yet, ‘across the pond’ doing the same thing in the UK.

It was such an exciting week to both follow and be involved.  Since I have begun this column, in this space, I have never gone this long without writing an article and being just too busy to do so…… was exhilarating.

What a week!!!!!!!

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’

3 replies on “We are Parents, We Don’t Just Talk……….WE DO!!!!!!!!!!”

We went to JDRF’s “Type 1 Parliament” in London . My son Joe is 13 and a Type 1 youth ambassador. He invited our local MP to the House of Commons reception and was successful in getting him signed up for the #CountMeIn campaign. Our MP also happens to be David Cameron’s private secretary, so fingers crossed for more funding for Type 1 research from the UK government!

We spent the week in the hospital after a low seizure. Thank you to everyone who did the walks, fundraising, and advocating while I supported my daughters fight to manage type 1 diabetes. Cause it sucked and we need a cure!

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