
A Young Lady who has a Voice that Will Just Make You “BELIEVE”!!!!!!

JennyWe are working diligently on creating the video to be utilized when a child is newly diagnosed.  Over 150 people from around the world sent us photographs of their incredible kids doing incredible things.

I often write about our kids, because I think THEY ARE THE inspiration for everything that happens; for everything we do.  I have often written about the wonderful things they do and I will ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS continue to share their stories.  Today is such a day, and at the end—-a wonderful surprise.

I was sent a video the other day which featured an incredible young singer, that must be shared.  Jenny will be a senior in high school this year.  She was diagnosed just two weeks prior to her 10th birthday.  Some say that Jenny has a good voice, but to say that Jenny has a good voice would be like saying a Maserati is just a car.  Jenny does not have just a good voice, Jenny has a once-in-a-lifetime type voice that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up when you hear her.  When you watch her video which I will share in a moment, notice the poise and effortless manner in which Jenny carries herself.  Her very presence demands the stage, and she surely captures your heart.

As if that was not enough for a young lady at the age of ten, it is important to note that at the time of her diagnosis Jenny was appearing on Broadway in The Color Purple.  Except for her diagnosis, Jenny has never once missed a show or a rehearsal in anything that she has done.

In addition to her wonderful work to continue her singing career, she also likes to dance and loves performing in general.  Traveling and ‘hanging with friends’ fills out this young life so without further ado, click this link to enjoy one incredible voice. In Jenny’s life, diabetes will just not limit her to anything.  Wearing a cgm and an insulin pump, this young lady is taking on the world.
Click this link to hear Jenny, and after, continue reading—I have a special guest.

Well if that doesn’t give you chills………..

I have a friend of mine, Sandra, who I have known for years and she and her husband have been in this diabetes battle for about the same length of time we have.  At the time, their son and my daughter, 3000 miles apart, were being diagnosed with diabetes; we were both placed on a roadway to make a difference.

Sandra’s husband is none other than the incredible master of music, multi award winner, Alan Silvestri.  I was so moved by Jenny’s performance, I sent it to Sandra to ask Alan to listen to it.  If you do not know, Mr. Silvestri, along with Glen Ballard, wrote that wonderful song from Polar Express which was sung by Josh Groban in the movie, and by Jenny here today.  🙂   Upon hearing Jenny’s rendition, Alan said; “It’s through a beautiful voice like Jenny Mollet’s that we continue to receive the much needed message of hope.”

That, my friends, is about as good as it gets.  Hope indeed! Way to go Jenny!!!

I am a diabetes dad.

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