
Take “THAT” Diabetes!!!!!………and Some Wonderful Personal News.

Pow Robin I received a message yesterday from a mom.  When we connected on the phone she could barely keep her enthusiasm in check.  Something big was happening to her daughter and it had to do with something she wanted for a long, long time.

Most kids without diabetes dream of this opportunity as well; and to accomplish the same…..well….with diabetes; it is only that much more amazing.  In our phone conversation, her excitement was absolutely evident and I was both honored and thrilled that she wanted to share this with me before she shared with the world.

“When I read your article today (yesterday) about kids being heroes without capes, I just felt compelled to share my news with you personally.”  She concluded our wonderful conversation with, “Take THAT Diabetes.”  And to  that I say….amen….and AMEN!!!!

With that news, I have decided to share some good news of my own. Well GREAT news actually.  🙂   And it’s a definite “Take THAT Diabetes” moment as well.  As many of you know, Kaitlyn (my daughter) has always had the single-minded goal of being in the medical field.  Her undergraduate work was in the sciences as she explored different options, her service as an EMT and working with patients at AHRC helped focus her goals that much more.

She has been accepted and in January she starts a new chapter in her life as she has been accepted at the University of Rochester’s Nursing program.  Her goal, eventually, will be a Nurse Practitioner and she believes she wants it in the diabetes field.  But until she completes her rotations, she wants to keep all options open, but she has always felt compelled to help others, especially kids, with diabetes.  At the young age of 24 and having diabetes for 22 of those years; she is a bit of an expert.

I have said it a million time, if my kids are happy and achieve what they want, I am ecstatic for them.  NOTHING in this world makes me happier than my kids being happy. Clearly I’m not alone in this feeling.

So another pathway and journey begins and Kaitlyn could not be happier.  Another time diabetes stopped one of my children from…….well……..nothing.

Take THAT diabetes……indeed!!!!

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


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