
Fighting Among Ourselves……How’s that Working Out?

Diabetes Community.
This all-encompassing phrase seems to be under siege of late.  Seems there is a movement that it is more important to be right, be the first, than it is to be a community in some people’s minds.

Let’s be clear.  As I have stated in writings, in lectures, and in interviews; no one has made more mistakes at this thing called diabetes than I.  But I try very hard to listen. to learn, not to make the same mistakes twice, and to apologize when needed.

Let’s be clearer: Whatever you feel is the correct way for you to treat your (and/or your child’s) diabetes, is up to you.  You can think it is 1000% sound for how you act day-to-day but here is the thing, it is not how I NEED to act.  You can come at me with 1000% all the stats and medically sound data you want…….but my question is, why do you feel the need to do that?

If you want to enlighten me, thank you, I will listen,  I will do my homework.  But we will make the decisions on what we want to do, and will do.  At the end of the day, it is our decision.  Right or wrong, it’s our decision.

What is with this ridicule and arguments how wrong people are because they disagree with a point of view?   Why?

I’m not a fan of many things that I see in our diabetes community.  But I also cannot learn if I think I know everything, I do not……..CLEARLY I do not.  I also see a huge amount of power out there.  And much has been going on for a long, long time.  People who have come and gone and were the first voices in many legislative actions and movements spoke out because it needed to be done…..and for no other reason.
This community is unstoppable but do not let a few tear down what has been going on for much longer than many have been around; the late GREAT Kitty Castellini comes to mind, as one of many.

Congratulations, the things you are fighting about as far as how this disease needs to be treated, the way you feel, is correct.  Congratulations, you were/are the first ones and best and shining a light on what needs to be a battle in congress and the public consciousness.

Can we now get back to work?

The things we need to do, fight for, become, be, teach, learn, discuss, and move to the forefront of those who do not know is large and there is much work to be done.  Spending one second breaking this community down is useless and a waste of time and the second you find yourself ‘going after someone’ stop and ask yourself if your energy would be spent educating others who have no idea what our lives were like, as a better use of your time.  If what you believe and state is credible, it will be taken to the next level.  If it is not, it will ‘die on the vine’.

You know the saying, a house divided among itself cannot stand; it’s true.  Let’s get back to work, together.  Going after each other, wow, why?
I’m a DiabetesDad
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One reply on “Fighting Among Ourselves……How’s that Working Out?”

Hmm, I must be tuned out, because I am not plugged into infighting. Yes we cannot afford infighting. Nor can we afford to go along to get along. What we need now and always will need is to agree to disagree and remain friends. After all we are all friends even the unfriendly are the only true friends I have when we discuss this disease.

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