
We Need to be Dancing for a Cure……We cannot let it Fade from Existence

I read the following statement recently: CGM technology has reached a point where it’s now the standard for glucose measurement. Just in case you have been living in a luxury oasis somewhere, you probably know that a CGM is a Continuous Glucose Monitor.  A device worn that checks an individual’s blood glucose constantly (different timing […]


Should Diabetes Ever Be Given Space in our New Year Resolutions?

Resolution? Usually, by the end of January, any resemblance of a made resolution of early January has disappeared in my life.  I really wish I was better at keeping them.  I always found it interesting when I hear someone with T1D say that their resolution is to ‘do better’ and lower their A1C.  Let’s be […]


The Human Trial, Heroes to this Day, How the Film Actually Ends is Up to Us

Someone recently asked me If I had seen The Human Trial, and if I had any thoughts about it?  I told them that I did see it and had no real earth-shattering thoughts to be discussed.  Truth be known, I saw it a few times and my thoughts have been constant and with a single-focus.  […]


‘Twas the Night before D-Christmas

With special apologies to Clement Moore.   I present a tradition……an updated, ‘Twas the Night Before D-Christmas for 2022 ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The meters, CGMs, and supplies were put away with such care, In hopes that Santa would bring the cure […]


A Tribute to a Special Mom–PLEASE Join Me.

Jean Kuczka was a teacher in St. Louis who died at the hands of a very troubled youth. She gave her life as a teacher. She knew what it was like to give back to our youth. She was protecting what she valued most, her students, and it cost her, her life. In an instant […]


RE-Search; to Look Again

Over the years, I have heard so many statements regarding and surrounding, research. Research, the action; research, the word; research an event that is not leading us to a cure fast enough. I read something very interesting recently about statins, the drug used to control cholesterol. Seems back in the days this drug was being […]