I have recently started to ask a question at a seemingly ridiculous time. Did diabetes play a role? Someone passes away…..did diabetes play a role? When someone calls and is arriving late……did diabetes play a role? A person is breaking up with tehir partner……did diabetes play a role?
Author: tomkarlya
I have often stated the phrase, Just Don’t Do Nothing. It is pretty straight forward and self explanatory. We, as parents of children with T1D, should not be waiting for someone else to do the heavy lifting when it comes to anything diabetes related. Advocacy, fundraising, helping others the question remains if not us, than […]

It is now in year 13 that my dear friend and wife of my Little Brother (from another mother but just as close as a real brother) Mark, has left this world. Lisa was a one-of-a-kind woman who proved to the world that one person, just one, is all it takes to change the world; […]
DIY Be Warned, Be Careful

Years and years ago, when the insulin pumps fist came on the market, is the first time I heard the initials, or phrase, DIY. Do It Yourself. Many people with certain skill sets have taken it upon themselves to work at problems facing their loved one utilizing diabetes management tools. CGMs, Insulin Pumps, Fitness watches, […]
Take a look at the video belowFor the sake of my 2 children and all of yours—-please share this PSA with both your US Senators and contact lists. Tell them this means giving our loved one’s life back. Please share. Contact your US Senator, tell them to watch this video and tell them how much […]

As so much seems to be happening in our diabetes world from management tools, to biological advances, to even hints of that ‘C’ word again occurring within the hope (and perhaps, some hype) throughout the diabetes community, it is always important to remember that the world we live in has been built upon the shoulders […]