
Our Final High School 504…….Maybe I’ll Get it Right.

Well, it’s finally here.  Jill said to me a few nights ago, “Let me know your schedule, the school wants to meet about Rob’s 504 plan.”

I said okay and of course, two days have gone by and I have yet to give her dates I am available (as I state, when it comes to diabetes, no one makes more mistakes than I).

Before I continue I must thank Crystal Jackson and the American Diabetes Association’s incredible efforts on educating all of us about school.  Their Safe at School information is second to none.  And Crystal Jackson (and she will be the first to tell you there is an entire team at ADA ready to assist) is a mom and a hero to me an my family and so many more.  Thanks Crystal.

Coming back to school can always cause anxiety and we pretty much keep it in stride by this point. As I read over Rob’s 504 plan–I believe it is six pages, I found something else that I have not included and must add, this, his senior year.  Maybe I’ll get it right, finally.

The 504 plan is (in my simple vocabulary) an agreement on what to do for my child in your school because of his diabetes.  And the law backs it up.  You have to love it.

Click here, 504, to see the ADA’s more official definition.

I have two simple tidbits for you:
Be prepared on what you want for your child (and be realistic, there are many examples out there),
Friction and friction will only get you heat.

The more prepared and non-confrontational you are, the better the chances of a smooth meeting (in most cases).  In other words, “I pay your salary” should not be a line you use in your discussions.

Chances are many of you had your 504 meeting already so be free to share your experiences by responding….it is never too late to learn something new, is it?
I’m a Diabetesdad.


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