
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year………..School Opens; of Course.

Years ago there was a fabulous television commercial for Staples.  The Christmas song is playing (sing along with me), It’s the most wonnnnn-derrrrr-fullll tome of year…..” and of course the camera pulls back to revel parents gleefully shopping for back to school supplies while showing the kids’ dour faces. Click here for the commercial.  That […]


School’s Open—-A Copy of a 504 Plan—–Spaghetti on the Wall—-if it Sticks; Use It.

School’s Open REAL soon.  Many people have asked me this week for a copy of our 504 plan which we proposed to the school.   There are many out there if you look around and certainly no one owns the market on what a 504 plan looks like and by looking at a few, you may […]


No More 504 Plans

I bet you really wish you could say that, don’t you? Imagine a life with no more 504 plans. (for those who are not aware, a 504 plan is a plan created in cooperation with the public school systems in the United States ensuring that our kids with diabetes are ‘looked-after’ in the appropriate manner—a very simplistic definition […]


Our Final High School 504…….Maybe I’ll Get it Right.

Well, it’s finally here.  Jill said to me a few nights ago, “Let me know your schedule, the school wants to meet about Rob’s 504 plan.” I said okay and of course, two days have gone by and I have yet to give her dates I am available (as I state, when it comes to […]