
Wanted: Santa’s Elves—-Don’t do Nothing

This is a pet project of mine.

Last year I ran a fund raising event that was fun and worth while.  I sent personal letters to children, from Santa Claus.

Parents would make a donation to the DRI and we would send a letter from Santa Claus; complete with stamp from the North Pole.

Kids with diabetes; kids without; siblings to kids with diabetes, parents sent me the personal information and they absolutely loved when their kids opened the letters personally addressed to them that talked about their personal lives.

“My daughter’s face was priceless; Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.”  ‘M’ from California.

This year I’m looking to grow this program and I am looking for Santa’s helpers to help write the letters.  We will supply you with everything you need.  Letterhead, example letters, stamps for the envelope and even the postage stamps.  You do not have to collect money at all—just help write letters which will be letters printed from your computer. 

So this holiday season, help find a cure AND make the holidays happy with a letter from Santa.  If you are interested; just hit reply to this post and someone will get back to you about the program.  Your ‘reply’ will not show up anywhere as I have to approve them before they are public.  I will use it to see your information and I will get back to you.

It is simple and fun—-get involved—do something.

Thank you,

I’m a diabetes dad.

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