
When You Need Help…..Who Helps You?

As I read various posts, I rarely see or hear about what a spouse/partner does in the management of a child’s diabetes.  Let’s face it, sometimes you want to pull your hair out trying to find help but who DOES help you when you need it? I write often and at her request, I mention Jill […]


Who Digs Us Out????

As I had my morning coffee, today, the day after the big storm, I looked out the window at the magnitude of what will lie ahead for us today.  A whole lot of digging.  Those of us who were hit by the storm will have a choice; dig out alone or enlist the entire family to grab […]


A Family Needs our Help…..Please Respond and Share.

I received a message yesterday about a newly diagnosed child and the dad stated that his son felt he would not be able to do many things.  I disagreed. I was just wondering today——what is the single biggest accomplishment that you have succeeded at with diabetes? ….or in what has your child done successful with diabetes?  Do […]


This Christmas…..We Welcomed Back the ‘New Normal’.

It was a great Christmas.  It’s quiet in my house as I write today; much-needed rest for everyone.  I’m not sure if it is the joy of having a newly engaged couple in the house or the anticipation of good news or just having everyone around with ‘our new normal’. We have had so many years […]


Newtown, Ct. Tragedy: We, at Least, have Somewhere to Turn.

What do we do now? Anger.  Much anger.  Debate.  Much debate. In the aftermath of the Newtown tragedy I find myself reading many, many posts.  Mental illness, gun control, school safety.   What do we do now? I’m not someone who would even think of myself as a professional or an expert but it seems to […]


Death Too Soon…..We Can All Help……Even a Little

Take a good look at the photograph.  A father and a daughter; the bond of which love is universally understood.  They are at a charity fund-raiser to find a cure for the little girl.  Her name is Megan and her father worked tirelessly to help raise funds to find a cure.  Interestingly enough, it would […]