
You Deserve Some of the Pomp and Circumstance

I could never imagine what it is like to have a disease that is constantly reminded of its existence at every chance it gets.  Lest those of us who don’t have it, ever forget that 24/7/365.  I have written in the past about those who have diabetes going through life ‘with an asterisk”.  How amazing […]


Telehealth! But Would a Tele-support Group Work?

Especially during the time of COVID, it was not so uncommon to rely on doctor’s visits via what was called telehealth.  Actually, during COVID we had tele—everything.  Not only appointments at the Docs but conferences, lectures, school classes, and meetings were all moved to a virtual “Tele-world”.


We Were Promised a Cure…and…Yeah, Now What?

We all heard it. We may have even said it based on what we were told by those ‘in the know.’ The cure for diabetes will be here in 5 years. I asked a top scientist once about this phrase, and his answer was enlightening, “There was a time that so much was happening in […]


Little More than a Picture Frame Will Remain

This picture has been on my shelf for a million years. It’s of my Grandfather and Grandmother on Mom’s side of the family. They were married on Flag Day (June 14th) a long, long time ago. My grandfather told his kids that their anniversary was such a special day the world put flags out in […]


Want to Make a Difference? Here’s Something ANYONE Can Do.

Next month is November. Thanksgiving and Diabetes Awareness Month in the same month. They almost seem like polar opposites, don’t they? To begin, and let me be 1000% clear on this point: I. HATE THIS. DISEASE. I, like that fiddle play who made a deal with the devil that he was better, would also sell […]


Hey, Pat Yourself on the Back

You need to see how far you have come. When it is 3 a.m. and your child’s blood sugar is just not coming down.  When you have been up through the night trying to figure out whether the pizza or the peach is why your child’s blood glucose levels are through the roof.  When you […]