
Who Digs Us Out????

snow 2013As I had my morning coffee, today, the day after the big storm, I looked out the window at the magnitude of what will lie ahead for us today.  A whole lot of digging.  Those of us who were hit by the storm will have a choice; dig out alone or enlist the entire family to grab shovels and get to work.

It will be easier if we all help I would think.

As I stared out at the snow, I started to think of the entire team we deal with every single day.  Have you ever stopped to think about the entire team involved with your, or your child’s, diabetes care.

Just think.  From the medical team, to the registered dietician and psychological team, to the team at school, to your neighbors, to those who educate, to your own family, to the on-line community, to those who make all the needed supplies, the assembly lines, to the researchers, and even to your friends.  At a recent CWD Conference, one child offered up that even the landlord knew what to do if ever needed. 

It is a team.  A huge team and every now and again we should stop and realize who is involved, how much they are involved, and give thanks that they are involved.  Some we may never see to meet but they are indeed there.  I get it; for some it is their job; but it is great to have those that care so much, isn’t it?

Diabetes is a HUGE job and it takes many to ‘dig us out’ each day.  Each one a personality that is added to our life.  Each with a vast difference of knowledge and personality.  Each one unique to enrich our lives;…..unique…….as, say…….snowflakes.

I am a diabetes dad.

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