
Are you ready???? Share your best tips also.

EmergencyThose of us in the Northeast are buckling down for the incoming major storm.   Again.  This time; snow.  We will cope.  We are ready.

Are you?

I was speaking to someone recently and the discussion for ‘preparedness’ came up and I cannot stress that ‘back-up’ plans are okay but back-up for the back-up will  make you feel safer.  It is not just the back up supplies you need to grab but do you have back up in the car as well?

If glucagon is needed; is it within arm’s length or do you have to run two flights of stairs to get it?

If you have more than one car, are both cars supplied and ready…just in case.

You can never have too many levels of back up—-when you hear a storm is coming, check everything.  Check it twice,  have your children check, make them participate so they can learn. 

Be ready.

One storm is bad enough, being unprepared in the diabetes world can only make a bad storm, the perfect storm.   Stay safe

What tips can you provide, please share?

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

One reply on “Are you ready???? Share your best tips also.”

We carry blankets, glucagon, snacks, syringes, water, diabetes kit, and cell phones as a matter of course. We live in a rural area and like to wander through State Parks in and near the Adirondacks. Getting lost or stranded happens so we must have everything we need wherever we go. Certain times of the year we carry pepper spray, lighter, paper to start a campfire if necessary. It always pays to be ready.

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