
Are you ready???? Share your best tips also.

Those of us in the Northeast are buckling down for the incoming major storm.   Again.  This time; snow.  We will cope.  We are ready. Are you? I was speaking to someone recently and the discussion for ‘preparedness’ came up and I cannot stress that ‘back-up’ plans are okay but back-up for the back-up will  make […]


Emergency at 43,000 Feet.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking…….” The tone in his voice sounded different from when these normal-type announcement comes from the cockpit.  Up until this point we were on a non-stop from the UK to NYC’s Kennedy Airport on an uneventfully calm flight.  This was about to change. The Captain continued, “We need […]


My Sunday dHero…..artistic license please…..Heroes in a Hurricane

 The winds are beginning to pick up out side.  The rain will start shortly. It is  clear that the picture I provided today is one from long ago.  It is how we remember our kids no matter how old they are ( I tell everyone it is Jill’s first husband).   I was much younger too. […]


Who Needs a Medical Alert I.D. Bracelet? They’ll find it.

Medical I.D. alert bracelets.  What to do with them on kids and do you wear one as an adult?   First of all, not to bash any sort of industry but a medical I.D. alert bracelet is not jewelry.  It has a purpose.  It has a huge purpose.  It is, as it states in the name, […]