
All I Can Say is………..Whew!!!!!!!!

Two weeks.  The most important lesson I have learned recently is that so much can happen in two weeks.  To the hundreds of people who wrote to me and wanted to know how we were doing I both; thank you for caring, and apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I will not go […]


My Sunday dHero…..artistic license please…..Heroes in a Hurricane

 The winds are beginning to pick up out side.  The rain will start shortly. It is  clear that the picture I provided today is one from long ago.  It is how we remember our kids no matter how old they are ( I tell everyone it is Jill’s first husband).   I was much younger too. […]


Siblings—DO they Really Understand? A Story that Changed My Life.

Siblings.  No matter how hard the attempt, diabetes has always prevented us from giving the full amount of time needed to those who are the brother and sister of someone with diabetes.  Whatever the event, attention is drawn away.  And we tried pretty hard to find a balance.  But it seemed falling short indeed did […]