
Wake Us Up Damnit!!!!! Nitetime Lows???? Warn Us!!!!

I was asked to rerun this column and respectfully I post it again. Okay—here is the idea.  While we wait for so many things from a cure to better tools for management like a bionic/artificial pancreas; here is my idea. Knowing one of the BIGGEST fears for parents is losing our child(ren) (or loved one […]


Does Anyone NOT RECOGNIZE this Picture? Ohhhhhh Diabetes.

I find it extremely interesting that no matter how much we store in our kids’ rooms for night-time lows; no matter how many juice boxes, gels, cookies, glucose tablets, and whatever else we store; the counter in the morning reveals that a blood-sugar-low led them to waking up and making their way to the kitchen. It […]


Emergency at 43,000 Feet.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking…….” The tone in his voice sounded different from when these normal-type announcement comes from the cockpit.  Up until this point we were on a non-stop from the UK to NYC’s Kennedy Airport on an uneventfully calm flight.  This was about to change. The Captain continued, “We need […]


Please Send Me a Picture of Your Child in the Hospital

  There are not many things I’m 100% sure of, really, very few. My title of this post was to gauge your first reaction.  Of course I would NEVER want a picture of your child laying in a hospital bed, and for the life of me I cannot understand how anyone would post one. Seriously, when you […]


All I Can Say is………..Whew!!!!!!!!

Two weeks.  The most important lesson I have learned recently is that so much can happen in two weeks.  To the hundreds of people who wrote to me and wanted to know how we were doing I both; thank you for caring, and apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I will not go […]


My Child, When Low….Will Wake up…..Right? Um…..Not Necessarily.

I had the opportunity to hear Jeff Hitchcock present this weekend and he addressed night-time testing and the ‘thought’ that our kids wake up when they feel low. It is thought by many (us…..definitely) that should our kids start to feel low while they sleep they wake up.  I know for me it was a […]