
Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #7 for D-Awareness Month: He Flipped a Switch and LITERALLY Changed the World.

…….who is Jeff Hitchcock. In all of my travels, and out all of the people I have met in my lifetime; in my mind one man stands alone and apart from all of the rest as having impacted the lives of families dealing with diabetes the most. He is a writer, a lecturer, humanitarian, creator, […]


Diabetes Baseball

It was 1999. I had been active on the CWD chatrooms for a while.  It was a great way to obtain information.  During that time, back when, chats were more like a thread of sentences than anything else.  One person would write something and someone else would add to it, and the conversation would grow. […]


I Know What (many of) You Did Last Summer……and Many More Should Do It This Year Too!!!!

It was about this time 13 years ago; perhaps a tad earlier, perhaps in the final weeks of the year before.  I read in a chat room that a woman was heading to Florida with her family and if anyone wanted to meet there, to let her know.  This was not any chat room.  It was a […]


Others Do Not Go Through What We Do…..FEEL FREE to pass this on.

I saw a post on-line today that I thought I would address.   A mom wrote that she attended a Thanksgiving Day event at school and as much as the event was a lovely event she could not help but feel a bit sad as the others in the room certainly did not have a care in […]


My Child, When Low….Will Wake up…..Right? Um…..Not Necessarily.

I had the opportunity to hear Jeff Hitchcock present this weekend and he addressed night-time testing and the ‘thought’ that our kids wake up when they feel low. It is thought by many (us…..definitely) that should our kids start to feel low while they sleep they wake up.  I know for me it was a […]