
Please Send Me a Picture of Your Child in the Hospital

  There are not many things I’m 100% sure of, really, very few. My title of this post was to gauge your first reaction.  Of course I would NEVER want a picture of your child laying in a hospital bed, and for the life of me I cannot understand how anyone would post one. Seriously, when you […]


Newly DX–Large Keytones–Vomiting–Over 420–What do I do?

  I saw this post recently. I was astounded reading through the many responses of the people who were trying to help this poor mother. I get it.  We want to help. But the only acceptable answer is to get in touch with your medical team ASAP and you need to do it now.   Answers as […]



   It’s today.   Twenty years ago.  Today.  Sigh.  It’s not ‘Happy’ Diaversary….it’s just there; a milestone. Twenty years today.  As I think back to that September 26th 1992, when at the age of 2 Kaitlyn was whisked to Stony Brook Hospital; medical staff ran around tending to her; tubes were attached; pain was administered; tears were […]


My Child, When Low….Will Wake up…..Right? Um…..Not Necessarily.

I had the opportunity to hear Jeff Hitchcock present this weekend and he addressed night-time testing and the ‘thought’ that our kids wake up when they feel low. It is thought by many (us…..definitely) that should our kids start to feel low while they sleep they wake up.  I know for me it was a […]