
Please Send Me a Picture of Your Child in the Hospital


There are not many things I’m 100% sure of, really, very few.

My title of this post was to gauge your first reaction.  Of course I would NEVER want a picture of your child laying in a hospital bed, and for the life of me I cannot understand how anyone would post one.

Seriously, when you read the title did you think I had lost my mind?   Why on earth would I ask for such a picture, truth is, I wouldn’t and I never will.  More to the truth is seeing one is not something I care to do either.

PLEASE do me a favor, if you are one of those people who think we have any interest of seeing your child laying in a hospital bed, fight the urge with every ounce of energy; wait until they are better and post a picture of you child doing something wonderful.

We need to celebrate everything our kids actually do……..seeing them in a hospital bed accomplishes nothing constructive.  I just DO NOT see the point and I am 100% sure your child is not in favor of it either; especially a teenager.

If you need prayers, good wishes, and/or hope; absolutely ask away but posting a picture really does not make ANY sense to me……….but I am always willing to learn if you want to state otherwise.

I am a diabetesdad.


One reply on “Please Send Me a Picture of Your Child in the Hospital”

I have pictures of my son in his hospital bed. throughout the whole journey of him overcoming his ketoacidosis. I did so because I want other people to realize the severity of Type 1 diabetes. I also did it so that he can see how strong he has always been. He fought to get better and I want to make sure he always knows that and has the proof. Also, I live far from my family and they wanted to see what was going on. I don’t post them just to “show off” or something ridiculous. I don’t understand people that do it for attention. My son was 3 years old when he went into ketoacidosis and was diagnosed as T1D. So, I doubt he will remember much of it, if anything at all.

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