
Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #7 for D-Awareness Month: He Flipped a Switch and LITERALLY Changed the World.

Jeff and Brenda…….who is Jeff Hitchcock.

In all of my travels, and out all of the people I have met in my lifetime; in my mind one man stands alone and apart from all of the rest as having impacted the lives of families dealing with diabetes the most.

He is a writer, a lecturer, humanitarian, creator, and has connected more people through his efforts than anyone else on earth; not to mention how many families’ outlook toward diabetes he has changed when he flipped a switch in 1995 turning on the Children With Diabetes.  There is not a doubt in my mind, and I say this as a fact not for dramatic purposes, that my daughter and son are alive today (and I know I am not alone when I say this) because of the people I have met, and what they taught us, at CWD.  Period.

Here is a little more about him from his site.

Jeff Hitchcock
 is the creator, editor, webmaster and president of Children with Diabetes. After earning a degree in computational mathematics in 1981, Jeff worked in high-tech and traveled the world, meeting Brenda, who would become his wife, in Africa. He worked in defense related industries until 1995, when he started a small Internet company and launched Children with Diabetes. He subsequently worked at LEXIS-NEXIS and Pearson plc on Internet initiatives, and now works full-time bringing Children with Diabetes to you.

In all the pain, agony, frustration, joy, happiness, and everything else he has experienced in making CWD what it is; only one person has been there for ALL OF IT and that is Jeff’s lovely wife Brenda, who also should be mentioned here as well.

In all of his accomplishments, awards, and world travels he will tell you that above all; he is merely a dad to a child with diabetes.  A CWD dad.   Indeed.

For Diabetes Awareness Month:

This month, I will be highlighting someone in the diabetes community.  They may be people you know, or might not know, but they give of themselves to make this world, our world, with diabetes a special place.   I will not get to everyone this month, but it is my hope that perhaps you can be introduced to some of those you may not know.

I’m certainly not the definitive on who should be included….you are.  If you think I should include someone, shoot me an email at and I will do what I can to include that person as well.  Welcome to diabetes awareness month.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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