
Something Fun Today…..a Proud Honor.

FunWhen Diabetic Living magazine interviewed four people with diabetes (Heroes: Rosa Rosen, Rachel Tobin, Kim Vlasnik and Peter Nerothin) they decided to add a parent as well and much to my good fortune, they chose me.  People have emailed me about this and I decided to print something light today and share it with you all. 

I figure anyone who is going to ask me to climb a ladder and lean so the NYC skyline is behind me; that a fun shot would be the result.  Hope you enjoy this fun article.

Diabetic Living part 1



Diabetic Living part 2

9 replies on “Something Fun Today…..a Proud Honor.”

I love love love this article.
Thank you a thousand times over for all you do for all of us whose lives have been affeted by Type 1 diabetes. At times it is overwhelminig dealing with this relentless disease and although I will never give up it is great to know that people like you, Jeff H, Joe Solos, Laura B are there to lift us up and give us the strength and determination to keep fighting!!

I want to be very unBritish and unreserved and give you a huge hug when I see you in Glasgow!!

Hi- As a fellow double t1 dad (my 8 yr old was diagnosed last year, and my 5 year old is a 4 yr veteran), I agree with your thought “just a dad doing his thing.” I also deeply appreciate everything you do to support the broader diabetes community, thank you.

Thanks David—I appreciate your words—-seems like a million years ago when Kaitlyn was dx at age 2 in 1992—many chabges and many changes to come. One day we will see it all behind us, of that I am sure. Appreciate the kind words and thanks again.

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