
Toddler Dies —- Final Follow up—WOW, what a result.

blue candleThere were voices.  Oh yes, there were many voices.

This is a story of powerful voices.  It is very impressive.  But a child has still passed away and our work still is not done–remember this point as you read this story; the victory is only a small educational piece that WE MUST CONTINUE.  A candle is still blue.

This week I wrote a story out of Wisconsin about a Toddler who was unresponsive and the coroner’s report was that he had 4 times the normal blood sugar.  This, of course, had nothing to do with the child or ‘what he ate’; it was a clear indication that he very well may had type 1 diabetes.  They could not revive him and he passed away.  There is string evidence of how he died but to be truthful, the final reports have not  been released yet.

The bulk of my story, and many, many agreed; was the report by CBS 58 in Wisconsin and the way the story was told.  I was not alone in relaying this to the DOC; many took the time to spread the word, and many of you responded.

In case you are just reading this today for the first time, here is that story with the video:

In a follow up story I shared an email from Laura Rodriguez and her desire to set the story straight and to report on the differences between T1 and T2 based on the numerous responses she received. 

Here is that follow-up story:

It is rare, very rare, that a news station will do more than just a blurb when they get something wrong.  Laura Rodriguez knows the power of the camera she sits in front of and the microphone she sits behind.  You spoke and CBS 58 heard all of us loud and clear,

This is just an example of how our voices can be heard and what just one result can be.  But we are not done just yet with CBS 58—-when they were wrong, you let them know.  They did something to correct the matter—to complete the process, it is due that a follow-up should occur and thank them for hearing us and doing a follow-up story.

WCBS 58 did not have to do that, neither did Laura Rodriquez….many times stations will not even acknowledge a response much less run a follow-up story.  28 people commented on the original story, 8 commented on the new story.  I encourage this community to watch the second story and let CBS 58 and Ms. Rodriguez know that we appreciate the air time.

We don’t have to do this and the station should have ‘got it right’ to begin with; point taken.  But, CBS 58 did give the air time to tell a crucial side of diabetes.  We need to be gracious whenever we have that opportunity.  This is NOT ABOUT being just right, this is about education—thank you CBS 58.

Diabetes community; kindly join me by leaving a comment at the end of the second story (link above).

.Nice job DOC…………okay DOC……….what’s next?

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

5 replies on “Toddler Dies —- Final Follow up—WOW, what a result.”

Thank you to CBS for following up. Type 1 diabetes has to be one the most misunderstood diseases simply because people use a blanket term diabetes and lump it in with type 2.

I think even more important than the public knowing that what they stated was incorrect, even though it needed to be rectified, I think that mother needed to be reassured SHE DID NOTHING WRONG!!! She has such guilt right now thinking she was feeding her baby too much sugar or did something wrong. I contacted her by facebook, not expecting an answer, but just to let her know, she did absolutely nothing wrong and to give her Michelle’s information. Hopefully she’ll reach out to where she’ll get comfort from a group that can help like no one else can.

Well done, Tom, for heading up this huge effort to get the story right and educate the public. I don’t know how many people will see, or learn from, this follow-up, but every little step counts. Kudos to this local station for making that step.

Thank you CBS58 for doing what very few news stations will ever do; fix a mistake. If deaths of children from Type 1 are to be prevented, people must be educated; including doctors. There are so many misconceptions that surround Type 1. Thanks again for making that effort to correct a wrong and help people understand.

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