
Are you a d-Dad (Psssssssst—d-Moms, show your husband Today’s Article)? A dad making a difference.

Tim BrandsAre you a dad?

There are many, many, d-moms out here but the simple truth is that for every child with diabetes, there is a dad.

I have the honor to moderate the Dad’s discussion group at the Children with Diabetes conferences.  I cannot tell you how much Dads have to say, they do, and their thirst for knowledge is monumental.  I have a very interesting, unscientific, fact to share.  Years and years ago I did a survey.  Quite a few people answered it.

The number one answer from the d-moms about their spouses was that they wished they did more for their child with diabetes.  Ready for this: The number one answer from d-dads was that they wish their partner’s would let them do more to help with their child’s diabetes.

And there is the great divide.

I’m absolutely convinced that d-dads have just as much to say about dealing with diabetes as moms do.  Different? Yes.  But they have much to say and many questions they want answered. 

Tim Brands is quiet man.  He has three daughters and two have diabetes.  He is pictured with his family above.  Although quiet, don’t let that fool you; Tim gets it done. He is a man who reacts to where he is and he will tell you in his own words that he never expected to have a blog,  or to think that he would start a FB page to help dads, but he did:

If you are a d-dad or have diabetes and are a dad, I encourage you to join this FB page.  Men have different needs, the same needs, frustrations, fears, and anger just like everyone else.  I encourage people to share with others the link above.

Support is for everyone, and should be taken advantage by everyone……..don’t assume everything is okay.  I would ask that we leave this page for the d-dads and d-dads you should be active on the page.  It will help us and you will be able to help.

The greatest title in the world; DAD.  Tim has created something so needed and I tip my hat to him. Let’s talk, let’s all talk; click the link above and join today. 

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.





2 replies on “Are you a d-Dad (Psssssssst—d-Moms, show your husband Today’s Article)? A dad making a difference.”

Thanks for the nice comments! There are a few other dads that have been there from the beginning and helped it grow. But your exactly right, men need a place to go and need to step up. I can change a CGM sensor and a Pod. I look to improve as a dad, personally and d-care wise, I hope others do to. Thanks again for sharing and the nice comments, I’m a bit embarrassed.

Tim Brand is one of my favorite people out there. Not only because he’s in the D-Community, or that he’s from Michigan as I am, or that he enjoys good beer and good music, but that he’s just an awesomely nice guy and a wonderful advocate. I’ve had the honor of sharing some time with him and his family a few times, and they are great. One thing on the topic: I find it very interesting about the divide. I’m not a dad, but am married to a great woman (we don’t yet have any children, but hope to). It’s interesting how much we disagree about HOW different things are done, from washing the dishes to cleaning the house and even doing our finances. Sometimes, I get hassled so much about HOW I do those things, it gets to a point where I’m not helping out as much as I could and let her do it. That seems like a universal Venus v. Mars truth, but it’s one that I imagine does carry over to the D-Parenting world with moms and dads. Don’t know, but just guessing. Thanks for sharing this post about Tim, and bringing up the general topic overall.

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