
A Story of a Life Lost Too Young……It May Change Another; We Can Only Hope.

life lostI have one.
I have one.
I have two.
I have two.

Standard protocol as the members of the EMS notified each other of each hand they had placed as they raised the gurney into the ambulance, thus designating they each had a firm grasp of the injured patient.

There was a bump and a small laceration of the head with blood trickling out.  The patient’s eyes were open but fairly unresponsive to the questions being asked.

There was no one else in the car, obviously the rain-swept roads made the curve difficult to navigate and had the tree not stopped the car, the deep embankment on the other side would have made the accident much more than it already was.

The EMT in the back of the van hit the buzzer twice notifying the ambulance driver that they could proceed to the hospital.

As the EMT kept speaking to the patient, there was still no response.

Odd.  But not all that uncommon, the hospital will figure it out.

As the ambulance pulled into the hospital ER Bay, they were met by medical personnel. 
Vital statistics were exchanged and the unresponsiveness was duly noted..  The cell phone of the victim was found and under “I-C-E” (in case of emergency) there were two numbers; both were called and only a message could be left. 

The parents were away on vacation that week.

Hospitals do not move that quickly unless needed.  The doctor was a little concerned that the bump on the head was more than it appeared.  He ordered x-rays. He ordered CAT Scans. That took time as radiology was busy on this particular night… was rainy, there were other accidents.

By time they took the x-rays, took the CAT Scan, and a doctor had time to read them, the patient was growing agitated and began to try to get up and move around.  As the patient grew more and more agitated another doctor was called.  Again the head wound was examined.  The patient began becoming more unruly.  They thought it best to restrain the patient as further evaluation took place.

As they moved the patient back upstairs, two hours had passed and the patient’s eyes began rolling around aimlessly, and the patient lapsed into a coma.

By time the parents heard their messages to contact the hospital, it was too late.

The funeral was attended by many family and friends.  It was a sad, sad story because the patient was young and had so much living to do. 

On the bedroom dresser lay the medical i.d. necklace, and the two medical i.d. bracelets, untouched and unworn for weeks. perhaps even months.  In the crumpled car there was small glucometer that rolled under the seat and was never seen. 

The bump on the head was only superficial, the patient’s type 1 diabetes was not.  Checking blood sugar before one drives and wearing these identifications are not a game.   It was just a quick ride. They were all a hassle, the patient would not ‘be gone for very long’.  This items are not a ‘request’.  they have a reason.  This patient did not think it would ever matter.  In this case, It did; but the patient would never know.

If you leave this story for a loved one to read, it is up to you whether you delete this part of the story, or not, where I state this is not a real story that I know of; but it surely could be……couldn’t it?

If it scares the hell out of just one person enough, and they attach that necklace; good.  My goal was achieved.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

6 replies on “A Story of a Life Lost Too Young……It May Change Another; We Can Only Hope.”

My daughter doesn’t go anywhere without her medical ID necklace. She wears a bracelet as well, but that necklace never leaves her neck.

I have been T1 for 35 years. I used to wear a bracelet but somehow got out of the habit & haven’t worn one for years. A few days ago I started thinking I really should get a bracelet – then yesterday somone asked me if I did. Today I read this story.

This is one of my bigger concerns of late as my 17 yo now has a permit. I am asking my Congressman about putting an optional medical alert on driver’s licenses.
Before people get the wrong idea, I did write OPTIONAL. I am not out to harm anyone’s privacy. Just looking for yet another way to keep people safe.

As parents of a type one teenage driver, we suggested to him to get a tattoo on his chest or wrist to identify that he has type one diabetes. I wanted him to have a voice when he couldn’t use his own. I understand that having a tattoo is not for everyone, and everyone should do what they feel comfortable doing. It has, for us, given us some sort of peace of mind. He is now twenty, and has had his tattoo on his chest for the last three years. It is on his left side, where his heart is. I can only hope, that if anything does happen, that the tattoo will stand out enough to identify his medical needs.

This is a fictional story, I can only hope and pray. As an has been paramedic unresponsive patients are always treated by a neat little 1st grade memory A-B-C-D-E Airway-Breathing-Circulation-De Brain aka Disability- Extremities
I always remember a call we received. I was met at the door by a doctor who stated it was a stroke patient that needed to go to the hospital immediately. Pt. was open airway, breathing normally, blood pressure was a little low(112/60). Unresponsive to verbal stimuli, responsive to pain. Past medical history Alzheimer’s. At which point I brought out the Bgl monitor. Immediate response from doctor was yelling “Why are you wasting time?” I continued my assessment of the patient and ignored the doctor. The Bgl was 42mg/Dl.
I brought the patient Bgl up. and asked if any one else in the house was a diabetic. Her daughter stated that her father was on medication for type 2. She also questioned” Why did she find dad’s medication in mom’s purse?”. We did transport the patient to the hospital and she talked with me all the way to the hospital. The doctor on scene stated” Thank you. I am old enough to say I am never to old to learn.”
Better safe than sorry has always been what I do and plan for. The family and the doctor on scene both thanked me and that to me is priceless.

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