
Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #15 for D-Month. MANY Generous People in this World but One Man Stands Alone in His Efforts.

David Panzirer and child……who is David Panzirer.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again; I do not know of any one person who has so changed the diabetes landscape in faster time than David Panzirer.  What Banting was to insulin; David is to ‘making a difference’; and I say that without one ounce of exaggeration and why I think it is so important that YOU know of his tireless efforts.

The amount of money that David has distributed for diabetes causes is unmatched in both the vast reach/dynamic of each group that is supported; and the procedure needed to be fortunate enough to receive funding.

David is the grandson of Leona and Harry Helmsley and is a trustee to the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.  Unfortunately, David is also a Dad to a child with diabetes.  This unfortunate turn of events in his family’s life has created one of the greatest champions of causes dealing with Type 1 Diabetes to have ever lived. In his role of trustee, millions upon millions of grant dollars have been bestowed on diabetes organizations large and small and in efforts touching lives everywhere. Fair disclosure, as I am also an employee of the DRIF, The Helmsley Trust has been very generous to the DRI as well. 

It is more than just funding research for a cure which we all know is so crucial, but it is the funding of so many other organizations that help ‘diabetes in the now’ that is the most impressive aspect of this generous family’s giving.  The trust has many philanthropy aspects but having an entire section entitled ‘Type 1 Diabetes Program’ is certainly enough for all of us to take notice, and offer deep thanks.

The money donated is not ‘merely given’ it is given based on a series of criteria including sustainability.  Many organizations exist today, and many research projects move forward today, because of the generosity of this trust and the love of one man for his child and who firmly believes that ‘diabetes just will not do’ in today’s world.

From the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust website.
David Panzirer is a grandson of Leona Helmsley.  Prior to becoming a Trustee, David was Vice President of Leasing at RFR Realty, LLC, where he worked for over ten years specializing in commercial real estate. Before RFR Realty, David spent over five years as a Project Manager and then Director of Operations at several Helmsley entities.

For Diabetes Awareness Month:

This month, I will be highlighting someone in the diabetes community.  They may be people you know, or might not know, but they give of themselves to make this world, our world, with diabetes a special place.   I will not get to everyone this month, but it is my hope that perhaps you can be introduced to some of those you may not know.

I’m certainly not the definitive on who should be included….you are.  If you think I should include someone, shoot me an email at and I will do what I can to include that person as well.  Welcome to diabetes awareness month.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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