
Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #21 for D-Month: The “FIXER” in Disaster–and How You Can Help Those in the Philippines.

Ron Raab…..and the answer is, who is Ron Raab.


It slams into countries in the form of natural forces that no one can stop.  devastation is left behind.  And it is during this time that even though the name Ron Raab may not be known; his work surely is.

His Insulin for Life is a worldwide effort linking communities, companies, victims, and supplies together in the worst of times.  His network is ever-ready due to all of the work and planning he does while waiting for the ultimate to occur. 

Disaster.  He undoubtedly knows it will happen at some point and those who are impacted should be grateful that this human force of intervention exist watching their backs when they least expect it………no one ever does expect it.

Ron’s Bio from Insulin for Life

Ron Raab OAM, President
Trained in economics, statistics and mathematics
Vice-President, International Diabetes Federation (2000-2006)
Member, of the International Diabetes Federation Insulin and Supplies Task Force
Member, Declaration of the Americas Diabetes Medical and Scientific Consultative Group
Employed at the International Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia, 1980-1999, in international diabetes humanitarian and education activities, including the development and management of the then International Emergency Insulin Distribution Program, 1986-1999 from which Insulin For Life evolved
Has had Type 1(insulin-dependent diabetes) since 1957 at age 6
Has adopted a low carbohydrate/low insulin regime which has resulted in a major improvement in daily blood sugars and quality of life


For Diabetes Awareness Month:
This month, I will be highlighting someone in the diabetes community.  They may be people you know, or might not know, but they give of themselves to make this world, our world, with diabetes a special place.   I will not get to everyone this month, but it is my hope that perhaps you can be introduced to some of those you may not know.

I’m certainly not the definitive on who should be included….you are.  If you think I should include someone, shoot me an email at and I will do what I can to include that person as well.  Welcome to diabetes awareness month.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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