
The Child in Your Life Can Receive a Personal Letter from Santa Claus!!!!!

Jolly holiday fundraiser benefits Diabetes Research Institute Foundation
NOTE: Your child does not have to have diabetes to receive a letter from Santa

Yes, Virginia (and Emma, and Maria, and Max, and Willie…), there is a Santa Claus. To prove it, Ol’ Saint Nick himself will send a personalized letter – complete with a North Pole stamp – to any child, in any part of the world for a minimum $15.00 donation to the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation. This jolly holiday fundraiser is up and running and you can click to learn more; and is certain to light up faces brighter than the star on the tree.  

The personalized letters, which can be requested by parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or any other family member or friend, can include all kinds of information, like a reference to any toy, game, iPad or techno-gadget on the child’s wish list or whether he/she has been naughty or nice this year. Santa can even tell them that he knows how well they have been managing their diabetes. The fundraising campaign is open to all families everywhere, not just those affected by diabetes.

To get the hundreds, even thousands of letters out to children by Christmas day, a legion of Santa’s “elves” are standing by around the country, according to volunteer chairwoman Marie Jarcho.

“We had a tremendous response the last two years. This is a wonderful and easy way to brighten a child’s Christmas and they loved it. The more information that parents or others supply on the website, the more personal Santa’s letter will be,” she said. “As a mother of a son with type 1 diabetes, it is my hope that people will give what they can to help the Diabetes Research Institute find a cure.”

After the debut event, one mother wrote that her child was so thrilled with the personalized letter that she slept with it every night until Christmas. The DRI Foundation is hoping for a greater response this year.

“We know that especially during the holidays, millions of children and their families affected by diabetes are wishing for a cure. This initiative allows us to move closer to our goal of making that wish come true,” said Deborah L. Chodrow, acting president and CEO of the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation.

To send a child a letter from Santa Claus, visit The deadline for participation is midnight on December 18th in the USA and December 11th for any area outside the USA.

I am a diabetes dad.

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