
“At Least I Wasn’t Last.” Why, I Swear, I will keep at this Until the Cure is Found!

Kaitlyn Santa RunThat was Kaitlyn’s line to me today as she finished her first 5K.  “At least I wasn’t last.”  She stated that to me as she looked at the people who came in before her and the people who were still crossing the finish line.

It is more than what our kids accomplish, it’s what they set out to do, at least it is in my eyes.  It’s THAT drive; THAT determination, and THAT goal setting mindset that will keep me at this until we cure this disease once and for all.

How can I ever state that I am tired of what I do?  She has accomplished so much in her young 23 years; and when I experience a day like today; I know that she has only begun the travel of her roadway.

Always looking ahead.  Always looking for a new challenge of determination and spirit.  People did not see that her ankle was wrapped, but that was not going to stop her.  People did not see she was running low, but that was not going to stop her.  People do not know what she lives with day in and day out, and that won’t stop her either.

“At least I didn’t finish last”.  No my sweet daughter in my eyes you were first; and with every ounce of fiber of strength in my mind and my heart and in my soul I’ll keep my eyes focused on what I need to do so you (and your younger brother) can keep your eyes focused on what you need to do; like being healthy enough to run a 5K Santa Run Toys for Tots in December.

Congratulations baby, we are all so proud.

I am a diabetes dad.

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