
My Favorite Gift

giftWhen I was growing up, my parents; I mean Santa Claus, would leave one more extra gift which we called the ‘kitchen gift’.  The idea was that after we opened all of our gifts, there WAS STILL ONE MORE special one that was left in the kitchen for us to open.  The tradition continues in our home today, as our kids usually receive THAT special gift that is above and beyond ‘just a normal’ present.

A special gift.  Something that is above and beyond the normal.  Something that is unexpected.  Something that is will mean much to the person receiving it.  Something personal.

During this time of year, I think of the so many people I have come to know and love.  My family, of course, who are my strength in anything I do.  My friends who are such pillar of love in all times good and bad.  These people are my foundation so strong; I am very fortunate. 

My colleagues from the DRI who are as passionate and dedicated a group of people I have ever met; my lifeline of individuals from CWD who do so much providing the knowledge and tools for those with diabetes; those colleagues who play an active role in this diabetes world through so many organizations and companies-who teach us the value of ‘moving the dial’ with better management tools and increasing hope for an eventual cure.

I think of my friends in the LIONs Club who are so eager to help in this diabetes fight and those who volunteer in so many aspects and touch what is important to all of us.  And I also think of all of you who are connected through the online community.  Friends from the past, friends across the globe, and friends who share this diabetes world.  I wish you could see the world from the chair I sit in. So much good, so much caring. 

Just over a year ago when a good friend said to me, “you should write, and often”.  “I stated who the heck cares what I have to say?”  I, until the end of time will never forget his answer.  He said two words, with an explanation.  He said; “I will.”  He went on to challenge me and finally I said I would try it.  He answered, “You’ll see, once you start you won’t stop.” 

I started. 

And very quickly a message came to me.  One person wrote they felt the same way I did; they thanked me because they said I had put into words what they could only feel.  Another person wrote and shared they were feeling as I did after they too made a mistake in the management of their child’s diabetes; and yet still another just stated that something I wrote made them laugh.

The few comments have turned into thousands.  I write what I feel, and never profess to know anything more than the fact that the answer is out there and we will find it in a dialogue together.  Someone has more experience who can help.  Together we can learn, laugh, make mistakes, educate, and above all; share.  And when just that one person says, XYZ helped them, it touches my heart.

To the so many I am fortunate to call family, friends, and/or colleagues I just want to say may God Bless you in the upcoming season, the Christmas Season; may you be surrounded with family as this year closes and may your life be filled with love. 

There is so much negative in the world, but a story of a child who overcomes obstacles, a comic strip that made you laugh,  a success in your life, a picture of a child; finding a way to say to each other–‘I love you and glad you are part of my life’; well those are the things that just make this world a better place.

I love you and am so glad and fortunate that you are part of my life.  When my holidays are over I will open MY kitchen Gift.   A special gift.  Something that is above and beyond the normal.  Something that is unexpected.  Something that is of true value and will mean much. That gift is you.

Happy Holidays,
Tom Karlya, Diabetes Dad

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’

4 replies on “My Favorite Gift”

Tom, you are my gift too. Thank you for being my friend all these many years and for sharing your beautiful family with me and mine. I love you. Happy Holidays.

Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year to you and yours, Tom!!!
Never, never stop writing!!! You have a true gift and you are a tremendous inspiration to countless others!!! I feel privileged to know you!! It was obvious that you had a special gift, your way with others, even back in grade school! xoxoPatty

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