
Some Quotes from Here and There in the DOC; and the Stories Behind them. Enjoy!

here and thereThere are many wonderful writers in the DOC (Diabetes Online Community).  They have incredible stories to tell and as I read, I jot down a phrase or a sentence that resonates with me while I read.  Sometimes it is just a great saying and sometimes it is just too powerful not to notice it. 

Below are just a handful of quotes.  You should read them in the context they were mentioned so I included the links where you can read the entire story.  They are all a ‘good read’. 

Brilliant writers who span the gamut from brutally honest about life, themselves, and diabetes to humorous looks at the diabetes world we all live in.  They all bring so much to the table.  Enjoy what they have to say.

“Crap on a cracker”
Meri Schuhmacher

“I lounged in the glorious softness of ignorance.”
Moira McCarthy

“But there is nothing not weird about cutting ourselves over and over again to bleed on things.”
Scott Johnson

“I’m often thankful that I wasn’t diagnosed as a child because I know what it would have done to my family.”
Rachel Kerstetter as a guest post on Allison Nimlos’s site

“In 2014 I will work with my diabetes, not against my diabetes. I will pick myself up when I fall and give others a hand when they do the same.”
Kelly Kunik  

I am a diabetes dad.

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