
“Don’t Ask THAT!!!!!!!!” Really?

Man yellingWhile at LAX airport awaiting my flight home yesterday, a young man in his early twenties (at most) was on-line.  It was clear that one of his arms was different from the other with only three fingers on a shortened arm.

A little girl of about 5 was staring at his hand.  He bent over a little and said:
“What happened to your hand?”

The young lady’s mother quickly tried to hush her and this young man, clearly wiser than his age would suggest, rebuffed the mom immediately.
“No.  Please let her ask.  Now what did you want to know?”
At this point the little girl became cautious and as she looked at her mom she slowly pointed.
“My hand.  Do you want to know about my hand?”
She nodded.

He went on to explain that it was just something that happened but he detailed how cool it was that he was so unique.  His voice was calm and his explanation was wonderful. 

His explanation.

It made me realize how many times over the years I have taken offense to a comment about one of my kids’ diabetes.  I have to think back to see whether I was overly sensitive or not;  but based on the interaction I saw at the airport I might make sure, moving forward, that I am answering the question and not reacting to someone’s lack of knowledge.

Back when, there was a time we knew nothing also.  Food for thought, yes?

I am a diabetes dad.

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