
NEED YOUR HELP TODAY………Summer Camps???…..Help Others…..What Do You Know?

CampOkay, I need your help.  Because I do not know from personal experience; I seek your input today.  It is May 2nd and families are getting ready to send their child(ren) to camp.  Our kids did not attend summer camp, or by time Kaitlyn did–she did as a counselor–but it surely is a topic THAT MUST be addressed.

Kindly share your experience going to diabetes camp for the first time, or every summer; having diabetes and going to a non-diabetes camp—what tidbits can you add?  Not going away to camp but a day camp—what do you know?

One of my favorite people on this living earth is Shelly Yeager.  Few people have the love deep within her heart for our young people than Shelly.  Her work at The Barton Camp, the Diabetes Education and Camping Association, and more recently with Young Leaders in IDF also has made her a powerhouse of knowledge.  Camps can be such a huge asset to any family dealing with diabetes and Shelly taught me that over the years.  The amount of education that is poured into these camps is just incredible. And…..they’re a load of fun.

You can learn a good deal by going to the site of the Diabetes Education and Camping Association (they have a camp locator by state) but I also believe that some great advice from others adding their own personal experiences will be a huge help as well.

What did your kids like about it, what did you do to get them ready, were you in contact with your kids while they were away–and how did you deal with that aspect, how can one get financial assistance in attending, did you weigh sleep-over vs. day camp?????   Our friends overseas….share what you know also; where should people turn for help in your country?   All just some questions that need answers and could help others.

And PLEASE feel free to tell us about a camp you love (and add their link); this is all information that people might be able to use.

Please hit reply and give your comments on this site because this article is sent and read all over and not just on the FB page you may have seen it; so please add your advice, comments, and pearls of wisdom right here for others to see.

Camps—-the season is open!

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

3 replies on “NEED YOUR HELP TODAY………Summer Camps???…..Help Others…..What Do You Know?”

My daughter went to non-diabetes camp for five years and loved it! She took the MYD class at the DRI prior to her first summer (she had just turned 10). I had lengthy discussions with the camp medical staff, and they were wonderful and willing to do whatever it took to make sure my daughter was safe. All of the counselors were trained to recognize symptoms of lows and highs and there were printed materials posted all around camp. The head nurse kept in contact with me and even made my daughter grilled cheese at night if her sugar was running low. These were the best summers of my daughter’s life, and I wouldn’t change a thing! She is now finishing her first year of college, and I’m sure her camp experience helped her become independent. It was a way for her to be “on her own” without REALLY being on her own!

Diabetes camp has changed my life in a way that is hard for me to describe. I bet one of my best friends in the world there. I credit it for giving me such a positive outlook on my diabetes as well as a passion for helping other people with diabetes. My mother always says it was the best decision she ever made for me! And here I am 20 years later STILL going to diabetes camp and loving every moment of it!

I am currently involved in the Keystone Diabetic Kids Camp (

– Colleen

P.S. I love Shelly too! 🙂

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